Kovert is a system I’ve been ‘Genuinely’ developing, and using myself for almost 12 months Which is why I haven’t been involved in any launches for over 10 months. The system is a process (not software) which is designed to work completely from scratch (genuinely requires no list, no existing assets, and no experience)...
...making it a perfect starting point for beginners as well as an excellent side hustle for more experienced marketers.
Kovert works on a value first basis which involves giving away specially formatted Google docs (or PDFs). Giving away the document triggers an automated process which instantly begins pitching, and selling on the users behalf using two phases.
Phase #1 focuses on one lead product and works / sells using a combination of elements.
I.e. switch page, Google doc (promotion doc), Pitch page and automated campaign, all of which is automated during the initial set up. (2-3 hours).
Phase #2 takes the same prospects through a series of automated campaigns designed to pitch and sell multiple products on the users behalf (through their affiliate link)...
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Subject Line:
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to [Insert list name]
Important Notice (Free training for you)
This Thursday: Jan 20th see’s the release of Kovert (the Google Doc System).
Kovert is the system that Mark & others have been using for over 10 months to make up to 173.33 daily when they give 1 weird Google doc away for free.
It takes Just 2 - 5 minutes a week… And anyone can do it (you’ll see for yourself)
Invitation This email is your private invite to get Marks free training (before he launches Kovert)
If you are interested in making a little extra each week from a free Google doc click the link below and register for the FREE training.
The Google Doc System: Free Training
If you register early Mark will also send you details of the system before the 1 hour training begins.
Full disclosure: The training is provided as a pre-launch to Kovert so Mark can fully explain how the Google Doc System works, and show you why it works from scratch for complete beginners. At the end of the training you will be offered the option to join Mark and use his system in full, but don’t worry if you like it and want full access, it’ll cost you less than 20 bucks, but there is no obligation to buy anything.
What to do now… Register early using one of the links in this email. If you register early enough Mark will also send you free system details before the 1 hour training.
Remember: Kovert works when you give 1 Google doc away for free Mark will show you how he and others give away 100s (sometimes 1000s) of the same Google doc in 1-3 days (even if you are a beginner).
Click Here to Register - Costs Nothing
Best regards Name
Subject Line:
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to [Insert list name]
Regarding your free training tomorrow.
Hopefully you saw my previous email regarding free training for The Google Doc System?
Here’ a quick recap: The training reveals the system that Mark & others have been using for over 10 months to make up to 173.33 daily when they give 1 weird Google doc away for free.
Remember: It’s free & it starts at 10am (eastern) tomorrow Unfortunately this is a one off, and due to the nature of this training there won’t be any replays, so please make sure you’re registered and you attend.
If you haven’t already registered to watch the training you can do it now. Just click the link below. The Google Doc System: Free Training
Will this work if you’re a beginner? It certainly will, beginners are already using it.
Anne: 477.22 in 7 days Anne is up to an extra 477.22 in just 7 days, even though she had never made a cent online before.
Deric: 1,638.97 in 11 days. Deric is up to an extra 1,638.97 in 11 days.
Watch the training & see for yourself (it’s free) Click Here to Register – Costs Nothing
Best regards Name
Subject Line:
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to [Insert list name]
This is a friendly reminder Your Google Doc System (KOVERT) Training is scheduled for tomorrow at 10am (eastern)
If you haven’t already registered to watch the training you can do it now. Just click the link below. The Google Doc System: Free Training
Remember: Kovert works when you give 1 Google doc away for free Mark will show you how he and others give away 100s (sometimes 1000s) of the same Google doc in 1-3 days (even if you are a beginner).
…And make up to 173.33 when they do.
Don’t forget to register for the training, so you can see for yourself. Click Here to Register – Costs Nothing
Please note: this is a one off, and due to the nature of this training there won’t be any replays, so please make sure you’re registered and you attend.
Best regards Name
Subject Line:
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to [Insert list name]
So the wait is pretty much over Your Google Doc System (KOVERT) Training will start in 1 hour (10am eastern)
Remember… If you can give a Google doc away for free, you’re already qualified to do this yourself.
173.33 from 1 free Google doc – don’t miss it (it won’t be repeated)
You probably have your link already, but if you didn’t see my previous emails you can register using the link below.
Click Here to Register – Costs Nothing
See you in an hour.
Best regards Name
P.S. This is a one off, and due to the nature of this training there won’t be any replays, so please make sure you’re registered and you attend.
Subject Line:
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to [Insert list name]
The Google Doc System (KOVERT) Training is about to start (@ 10am sharp eastern)
Training will last for 1 hour and show you how beginners make 100s extra each week by simply giving these special Google Docs away for free.
If you haven’t already registered to watch this free training, click the link below.
Click Here to Register – Costs Nothing
If you already have your link, use it now because this will not be shown again.
See you there Best regards [Name]
Subject Line:
Subject Line:
Subject Line:
Subject Line:
Subject Line:
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Venkata Ramana et al Mark Bishop
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