Professional Services Payday is a complete, step-by-step video training course that shows you how to crack the most lucrative niches in local marketing. You'll learn how to quickly locate an abundance of ideal prospects, get through the gatekeeper with ease, and sell a simple $1,500-3,500+ service.
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Subject Line:
It’s funny:
Everyone knows that to build a house or fix a car that you need the right tools.
But when it comes to building an online business?
People tend to think that it’s about some big “hack” or “secret” that will make all the difference.
Sure those things can help.
But for 99% of people out there, starting with the RIGHT “tools” will make all the difference.
And when it comes to local marketing, the most important “tool” you will choose is the niche you choose to sell to.
Think of it in terms of food.
If you were starting a company to sell food, what would you sell?
Brussel sprouts? (Which many people absolutely hate—and even the people that like them only eat them occasionally.)
Or chocolate cake? (Which everyone loves and will eat in massive amounts.)
I hope the answer is obvious.
And yes, niches are much the same way.
If you choose a “brussel sprouts niche”... you will struggle to find the right clients. Sure they’ll be out there. But they’ll be few and far between.
But if you choose a “chocolate cake niche”?
Then people will start seeking you out because they can’t get enough of what you’re dishing.
So the question is:
What are the best “chocolate cake services” to offer?
I’ll share more about that tomorrow.
See you then!
Thursday 2/16 - PreSell #2 (one day before launch)
Subject Line:
When it comes to making money online, most people fail in the “strategy” phase.
By that I mean they choose the wrong clients or customers.
They choose the wrong problems to solve.
And they choose the wrong ways to solve those problems.
When you mess up during the “strategy” phase, it not only makes everything much harder… but you’ll end up wasting time and moving in the wrong direction.
It’s almost like wanting to work out and grow bigger biceps.
But all you do is leg exercises like squats and deadlifts.
I bring this up because recently I was talking with a couple of friends who own the fastest growing marketing agency in sunny, Maui.
And they said they see this same thing happen to new agency owners again and again.
Which is why they’ve recently been testing a new system.
A system that is not based on trends or fads.
But that is based on solving one of the most burning, painful, and chronic problems that local businesses face.
In other words, this system nails the strategy part.
That’s because this system solves clients’ BIG, burning problems.
And when you can solve a big, burning problem… clients will be willing (and even happy) to pay you big bucks to solve it.
They’ll be so excited they’ll give you great testimonials and referrals.
And they’ll be happy to pay you monthly recurring revenue for months or in some cases years on end. Even though it takes very little “work” for you to maintain.
You can think of this almost like the difference between having high cholesterol…
And having a heart attack.
If you have high cholesterol you may do a few things to solve it. You may do some research, buy a few supplements, eat healthier, and workout. (Emphasis on the may.)
But most likely, you’ll ignore it and keep living life the way you’re used to.
(It’s just human nature after all.)
But if you have a heart attack?
If you have a heart attack, you’ll be begging the paramedics to do WHATEVER they can to save your life. Even if that means expensive and painful procedures.
Pumping you full of experimental medicines.
Going heavily in debt.
Or whatever.
Same thing is true with the services you choose.
The right ones will have clients begging for you to help, desperately trying to hire you, and paying almost any fee you quote.
And guess what?
Tomorrow I’ll be revealing a service that is almost like solving a local marketing heart attack. Which again, is why clients are willing to spend so much to solve this problem.
And they’ll do it without weeks of back and forth, being skeptical, or arguing over fees.
Anyway, all this build up to say that Tomorrow, Friday, February 17th at 11 am ET / 8 am PT, this new system is set to launch.
It will show you how to land tons of high-ticket, monthly recurring revenue clients.
Even if you’ve never done it before.
And you may have guessed this comes from none other than Nick Ponte and Tom Gaddis of The Offline Sharks.
Right now, their agency does more than a half a million in sales a year.
At something like a 70% profit margin.
Even though it takes only about 10 hours a week (and almost always less) for them to run.
One of the reasons they’ve been so successful at doing this is because they choose the right strategies. They go after their market’s “heart attacks”. And tomorrow when this new system launches…
You’ll be able to do the same.
If you’re at all interested, keep an eye peeled for my email tomorrow morning.
And I’ll see you then!
Subject Line:
Big news!
Just today, Tom Gaddis and Nick Ponte of the Offline Sharks launched their NEW course:
Professional Services Payday.
What’s this course all about?
It’s simple:
It shows you how to land TONS of professional services providers as clients (like lawyers, accountants, etc, etc)…
Why professional service providers?
Simply put:
Which means:
They can afford to pay you They don’t have enough time to market themselves Each new customer you bring your client can be worth a boatload
Which means you can charge FAR more in this niche for the same exact services.
Best part is, right now you can get Professional Services Payday at the lowest price ever.
But it goes up Tonight, Friday, February 17th at Midnight Pacific.
So if you’d like to lock in your lowest price ever, then use the link below:
Subject Line:
This morning I told you about Professional Services Payday which is at its lowest price ever today only.
But you might be wondering…
How does Professional Services Payday work? Great question!
It works because it targets Professional Service Providers (like lawyers and accountants for example).
And Professional Service Providers is one of the HIGHEST-paying niches around.
Think about it:
These are people who charge a lot and so they’re not afraid to pay a lot (in fact, they’re used to it).
They also get bigger returns on their marketing investment than other niches you can target.
(Just one gig for a Professional Service Provider can be thousands or even tens of thousands… as opposed to a few hundred bucks for a plumber for example.)
Plus, Professional Service Providers are way too busy to be “backseat drivers”.
They don’t want to micromanage.
They just want to pay you and let you do your work.
And how much work is to be done?
Well with this new system… not a whole lot. In fact, once you land a client, you can make $1,000 or more… in just a few hours.
(Even less if you outsource it—and they show you how to minimize your time and maximize your results inside the course.)
Anyway, the course is only $27 today.
After tonight at midnight… the price goes up.
So if you’d like to lock in your lowest price ever, then use the link below:
Subject Line:
Friendly reminder that Professional Services Payday is going way up in price in just a few hours.
Which means, if you want to get it at the special launch price of just $27…
(The lowest price that will ever be offered)…
Then you gotta jump in now!
Professional Services Payday is the newest creation of Nick Ponte and Tom Gaddis (also known as the Offline Sharks).
Both of them have built and run agencies that do multiple 6-figures a year.
In fact, right now they have an agency that is on track to do more than $600,000 this year…
Even though it only takes about 10 hours (or less) a week to run.
That’s why they’ve been featured in Forbes, Young Entrepreneur, INC Magazine, and more. And they consistently produce some of the best, money-making strategies to be found online.
Thing is, they love to reward people who get in early.
They do that by offering crazy good discounts during a new launch.
I’ve seen them offer courses for $27… that later were sold for $297 or more. Which is more than a 10x increase.
And like I said, for a few hours more only, you can get the Professional Services Payday at the lowest price ever offered.
Which means, for less than what you probably pay for dinner for yourself… you can pick up this system that can potentially make you thousands of dollars per client per month…
And in many cases, a whole lot more.
To find out all the details before the price increase Tonight, Friday, February 17th at Midnight Pacific, go here now:
Subject Line:
The simplest way on planet Earth to make more money starting today?
To raise your rates of course.
Not only will you make more INSTANTLY…
It will also compound—because every client you ever land will be paying you this higher rate.
But how can you raise those rates you ask?
For that I recommend Professional Services Payday.
Professional Services Payday shows you a HOT niche where clients are willing to pay big bucks.
And trust me, it doesn’t matter if you’re brand new.
This will of course work faster if you’re established—but even if you’ve never had a client before… you can do this.
In fact, if you’re brand new, this is a GREAT way to get started.
Because you’ll start out charging HIGH rates.
Which will make everything else much easier.
Professional Services Payday is still heavily discounted.
But the discount shrinks tonight at midnight.
To claim your discount, go here now:
Subject Line:
Recently I was talking to a few brilliant marketers and they told me:
“Sometimes we’re embarrassed to tell our friends just how little we work…”
Truth is, the right business plan CAN get you there.
I know for a fact that the marketers I was talking to only work about 5 hours each week (at most). And yet, their agency is making more than a half a million dollars each year.
(And they operate at about a 70% profit margin—so that’s no small cookie.)
In other words:
They have a part-time side-hustle… that pays them MORE than a full-time salary.
Now obviously it took a little while to get there.
BUT… the good news is that these two marketers recently released an amazing course called Professional Services Payday
Professional Services Payday shows you how to land tons of professional services clients.
These clients are great because:
> They are always busy and need help with marketing
> They charge high rates and aren’t just willing to pay high rates… they expect it
Professional Services Payday is still heavily discounted.
But it goes up in price tonight at midnight.
So head here NOW to check it out while it’s still so cheap.
Subject Line:
There are many excuses why most people never follow through with building a business.
And trust me… I’ve heard just about every excuse under the sun…
But one of the most common excuses is the “money” excuse.
Which is not much of an excuse at all.
Because there are many business models that you can start for $0 down.
Not to mention that with the right business model, you can actually be turning a profit very quickly.
Which is what Professional Services Payday is all about.
Professional Services Payday shows you how to get started landing professional services clients—without investing a cent into paid ads, employees, or even a website.
And like I said…
This can have you turning a profit very quickly.
The best part is that right now Professional Services Payday is discounted at a special launch price.
But only until tomorrow.
After Tomorrow, Monday, February 20th at Midnight Pacific…
The price will go up into the hundreds.
To get it while you can, use this link now:
Subject Line:
I’ve been telling you lots about Professional Services Payday the past few days.
And so I figured I’d answer the most common questions that have come in:
> How long will this take to work?
Short answer: It depends. Some people can go through the training, follow the steps, and have a paying client all in the same day! While for others, it may take a few weeks to begin to see results. Success rates will vary of course… but there’s no reason you can’t make this work.
> How many hours a week do I need to put in?
As many as you’d like. Once you get a client, it takes only an hour or two to set them up. So really, it just depends on how many clients you want to take on
> Will I need to hire employees?
Not unless you want to. You may want to outsource some work to a virtual employee—but you won’t ever need to hire someone full-time.
> Can I do all this from a computer?
This business is completely remote and can be done entirely by email and phone. So yes, you can do this from anywhere you can get an internet connection.
Ok, hopefully that answered any questions you have.
If it didn’t, you can hit reply and let me know and I’ll do my best to answer right away.
That said, the clock is ticking on this amazing offer.
And the price goes up soon.
So if you want in, be sure to check out all the details right here:
Subject Line:
Friendly reminder that Today, Monday, February 20th at Midnight Pacific is your last chance to hop into Professional Services Payday at a HUGE discount.
Professional Services Payday shows you how to clean up by landing professional services clients.
These types of clients pay BIG.
And usually they are too busy to micromanage you and just want the job done.
That’s what makes them great clients.
Another thing to think about is just how inexpensive this course is right now compared to what it will be after the deadline.
Right now you can get it for just $30.
And yet… after the deadline tonight… it will go up to $199 or higher.
So you’ll be saving a ton by hopping in today.
Deadline is Today, Monday, February 20th at Midnight Pacific.
So use this link now if you’re at all interested:
[SIGNATURE] Monday 2/20 Afternoon
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Nick Ponte & Tom Gaddis Cameron Roat
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